Day 12 of the 31 Day TLC Pledge

Learn to value yourself, which means: to fight for your happiness. - Ayn Rand

I have had at least two realizations manifest so far. These seem to be the important ones for me.

The first is I have let fear of people's opinions about my grief walk upon my heart. 

The second is that I can trust myself to act reliably about my grief.

I have to stay authentic if I ever truly wish to grow, much less lend a hand to anyone else. I sometimes get afraid and give my energy to the past instead of fully trusting the present. Sometimes I would like to seem like I am dealing, so that others are not inconvenienced or react poorly to me. AND - Let's face it, the present does not look-so-good so why not go backward to sunnier times?

But this path continues whether I am looking at what is here now or burying my vision in the past.

I am worthy of walking in love, peace and kindness.

Today's Suggested Intention: I intend to walk through this day KNOWING my worth and EMBRACING it.

Today's Suggested Kind Act: I'm focusing on the sky today. I am asking to look at the sky often, partly because it is where I imagine all the supernatural love resides and partly because it helps me remember my small, but honored place in the large scale of things.
