I am hosting a conversation with Samantha Smith just before Mother's Day for people who are grieving the people who gave them parenting love and who want to communicate with them...You may be avoiding Mother’s Day because you no longer have that person to kiss, hug or buy flowers for. You may feel somber or even despondent.
Just as we try to connect with those that have crossed over, I can tell you that they, too, go to great lengths to connect with us. If you long for these connections... all that limits you is that you cannot comprehend what is beaming toward you. So, you may "feel" in the dark.
You can awaken and/or improve your abilities to richly connect with your loved ones who are now non-physical. Join Samantha and Kim to explore what processes they use to connect with the deceased people in their lives. Samantha and Kim have different but complementary experiences in connecting in the spiritual realm and believe that you can have your own unique kind of experience too! You need not go to a psychic or a spiritual guru. If we need someone else to see, hear and feel for us, we miss a great deal. There is a limited benefit by using a 3rd party.
Be self-empowered and reduce the sensation of being so alone. And - are you an agnostic or an atheist? There is room at the table for you too. There are many layers to the discussion. Join in, if you would like!
We are density...
They are spirit...
Learn how to make meaningful connections! This will be a Skype recording that we will upload to YouTube. The link will be provided as soon as it is ready.